Delivery time depends on the type of order and the details pre-selected by you (like the Date and Time).
We deliver between 9 am and 7 pm Monday - Friday and between 9 am and 6 pm on Saturday, local time. However, we can certainly try to make exceptions if you have a special request in advance.
To assure same-day delivery, order must be received before 5 pm, Monday - Friday and before 4 pm on Saturday, local time. Orders received after that time may be delivered the following day. For Sunday delivery order must be received before 8 pm on Saturday, local time. Orders received on Sunday cannot be delivered on the same day, unless it's a special occasion like Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Easter Day, Christmas Day etc.
Delivery fee is only ₦5000. No other fees or charges.
After delivery, one of our sales representatives will send an electronic confirmation of delivery to your email address. In some cases, it may take up to 3 hours to deliver your confirmation. If your order is delayed for any reason, we will certainly notify you via email.
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