> The Royal Bouquet
The Royal Bouquet - The Royal Lilies bouquet

The Royal Bouquet


The royal Lilies bouquet for those you love and respect. 5 stems of fresh Lilies (white or pink) in combination with greenery. 


Please note: Our Lilies are shipped direct from the farm, making them extremely fresh! Lilies have multiple blooms per stem, generally ranging in size from 4 - 6 inches in diameter when fully open. Farm fresh lilies often come with all closed buds - this is normal. They begin blooming 1 bud at a time providing you with an extended bloom time, as buds continue to open as others go by. You may open your lilies faster by hydrating them in warm/hot water and placing in a warmer location.Cooler water and locations will keep them closed longer.

Our bouquets are hand-tied respectively and prepared by experienced local florists and may differ from the product image on the online store. Note that the availability of some flowers depends on the season and may be replaced by products of the same or higher value. Every product ordered from us is prepared with care, hand-delivered as promised. Wishing card with your personal message is included.
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For Valentine’s Day, all orders will be delivered within the day; time-specific requests won’t be accepted.

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